How to stay emotionally healthy after a divorce

On Behalf of | Nov 3, 2021 | Divorce & Legal Separation |

Residents of California who are going through a divorce might struggle with what comes after the marriage ends. For some, the negative emotions might seem as overwhelming as all the financial and practical changes that will have to make. However, there are ways to take care of yourself if you are in this situation.

Accept your feelings and work through them

Accepting your feelings, such as grief, anger, sadness, or fear, is part of the process of taking care of yourself in order to stay healthy after the dissolution of a marriage. The end of a relationship often means the end of life plans and dreams that were attached to that relationship. Trying to suppress the feelings can make a difficult situation even tougher. Allowing yourself the time to go work through these feelings and seeking professional help if necessary is often the best way to begin your new single life. It’s important to know that seeking help, whether from a therapist or from self-help resources, does not make you a weaker person. Instead, this support can help you become stronger.

Focus on the right things and plan for the future

It can be easy to obsess over the loss of the relationship or perceived hurts you have suffered. However, as a marriage ends, it’s important that you focus on the right things. These include:

• Protecting the emotional and physical well-being of your children
• Overcoming differences with an ex-spouse so you can successfully co-parent your children
• Creating a new budget with considerations for health care and retirement
• Getting to know yourself so that you do not fall into unhealthy situations the prevent you from moving forward

With the emotional challenges that result from even amicable divorces, you can always work towards an emotionally healthy life. Life after divorce can be as fulfilling and full of hope as you choose to make it.