People often use certain life milestones as indicators that it may be time to establish or review an estate plan. For many people, getting married or having children may be the personal changes that make them address their mortality. However, financial goals can also...
Estate Planning
The percentage of adults without a will is shockingly high
Most people know that dying without a will can lead to major probate challenges. Quite a few people know at least one person who lost a loved one who did not already have a will on record. They may have had a difficult time handling probate matters and may have...
What to bear in mind if you want to disinherit a child
While it is usual to leave your children something when you die, there may be occasions when you do not want to do so. Perhaps you wish to exclude one or all of them from getting anything. It’s your estate so you can usually do this. However, it’s not a decision to...
What if your life insurance policy and estate plan conflict?
As you draft your estate plan, it may become clear to you that your life insurance policy is a substantial asset. Along with a family business or a family home, it’s probably one of your most valuable assets. As such, it’s important to you that it is passed down...
Should grandparents be listed as guardians?
An important part of estate planning is choosing a guardian. For instance, couples sometimes have their first child and then start to take estate planning much more seriously. They know that they need to create a plan now that there’s another generation to consider....
Should you put off estate planning for when you’re older?
When you look into estate planning, one thing that you’ll find is that most people haven’t done it. The majority of Americans don’t have an estate plan, and many people will pass away without ever writing one. There are a variety of reasons why this happens. However,...
Estate planning basics for LGBTQ+ couples
For nontraditional couples, estate planning can be somewhat different. LGBTQ+ couples and heterosexual couples who don’t marry should be aware of the tax ramifications and other issues that can crop up during estate planning. Below is some pertinent information about...
What is a power of attorney?
Most people believe estate planning mainly focuses on what happens after they pass away. Their will instructs what happens to their assets, who should benefit from the estate and how an estate is settled. However, people have the option to decide in their will what...
Can someone plan to avoid estate taxes in California?
Estate planning is a deeply personal process in which someone provides support for their loved ones and creates a legacy. Every testator in California has unique concerns and goals, but there are some desires that are relatively universal. For example, most testators...
Why it’s important to know your heirs from your beneficiaries
There are a lot of complicated legal terms. Some of the few that often get confused are “heirs” and “beneficiaries.” Both of these terms are often used when planning an estate. Both of these terms also relate to someone who may benefit from the deceased’s assets....